Tuesday, October 11, 2016


A few weeks ago, I saw a PBS special that had a huge affect on me. It was on how modern kids no longer have GRIT. Rather, they don't have much perseverance when it comes to facing adversity, ie. Grit.

This has a lot to do with our brains actually, and a dopamine response. Without overcoming challenges,  we don't get the rush of dopamine through our neurotransmitters.

Let's be honest, life is full of adversity. Do we just give up every time it gets a little hard?

What do we tell ourselves when the going gets tough. Do you tell yourself "I can do this!" or "I can't".

I've literally been seeing the word GRIT, in my mind (a little neurosculpting trick), when I feel that I "can't" do something.

Give it a try, just because something is hard, doesn't mean it's "not meant to be". Or that you can't learn and become good at it or even just enjoy the fact that you tried.

Spelling out concepts in our minds engages our left brain and can actually be very calming to our nervous systems, it's a great technique to get through a challenging moment.

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