Monday, May 11, 2015

Stefanie Rothert Licensed Acupuncturist, M.S.T.O.M. Nationally Certified: About Acupuncture in the Treatment of Pain, and Wh...

Stefanie Rothert Licensed Acupuncturist, M.S.T.O.M. Nationally Certified: About Acupuncture in the Treatment of Pain, and Wh...: About Acupuncture, Before, During and After: For the treatment of Pain: There are typically two ways to treat pain in Chinese Medic...

About Acupuncture in the Treatment of Pain, and What to expect before, during and after a Treatment.

About Acupuncture, Before, During and After:
For the treatment of Pain: There are typically two ways to treat pain in Chinese Medicine:
  •  Treating the local site of pain is the most traditional way.
  • Only treating points on other limbs is another and usually more effective way to treat pain with Acupuncture. This method is effective 98% of the time.   
  •  It can take between 6-15 treatments to get results, though usually a difference can be made within 3.
  • Acupuncture works. Factors that influence the efficacy are frequency of treatment, correct treatment and lifestyle.
  • Traditionally, one would receive 2-3 treatments a week until your Chief complaint has stabilized.

When doesn’t Acupuncture work:
  •   When there are structural issues, Acupuncture may only be palliative.
  •  When a person continues to do what causes the imbalance, Acupuncture may become palliative or ineffective.
  •  Please come dressed in comfortable clothing. Rarely will you be undressed during a treatment, so clothing that is comfortable and easy to move, is preferable.
  •   Make sure you have eaten before. Some people may become faint after a treatment, when they have lower blood sugar.
  •     Needles may feel sharp when they first go through the skin, they should not stay sharp or burning.
  •  A normal sensation is warm, tingly (but not nerve-like), throbbing, dull, moving, achy. Those are sensations that are good, that means the needles are working. Some people may just feel themselves relaxing.
  • Typically, you should feeling something happening during the treatment, so that you know its working. But, everyone is different. Treatments may take 48 hours or longer to take effect.
  • Hydrate. Acupuncture is detoxifying and muscles need hydration to heal, and recover. 
  •  Take it easy, to let your body heal itself, you may feel tired or energized.
  • Acupuncture can take up to two to seven days to take effect.  Don’t get discouraged, treatments can be changed, Healing is a process, we have to work together to find the key to unlock the pathway to your health.
  • You may feel worse or sore before you feel better, this is completely normal, depending on your condition and treatment.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spring, & April Specials!

Spring and April Specials!!!

Spring is the time of the Liver.
In Chinese Medicine, different organs are associated with the seasons. Everything is cyclical and has a relationship to something else. In every season, our body may require different lifestyle choices to maintain balance.

In many traditions, cleansing is done in the spring, that is because our liver becomes active during this time. It's a good time to clear out anything out left from the winter. We start to crave different foods, perhaps less starchy foods, lighter ones. We start to spend more time outside, becoming more active. The color associated with the liver is green. Greens are indeed cleansing and alkalizing, simply trying to add something green to almost every meal, can improve your health. The flavor of the liver is sour; it has an astringent quality. Simply starting your day with lemon water or drinking it throughout the day, also eating granny smith apples between meals can help your Liver/Gallbladder.
Try using apple cider vinegar instead of other types, as this is an alkaline vinegar. It is thought that disease and bacteria grow in a more acidic environment, so doing a few simple things to alkalize our diets, can be a gentle way of helping our body cleanse itself.

In Chinese Medicine, We do not recommend anything too extreme, this tends to create more of an imbalance as we yo-yo back and forth. We are looking for the middle way to walk our path and live, a balanced way. This includes, lifestyle, diet, work, hobbies, and even how we think.

The main emotion of the Liver is Anger. The liver rules the smooth flow of Qi and Blood. Irritation can be a sign of stagnation. The liver wants to move so adding in some movement to your daily practice can help smooth everything out. Our thoughts can also cause stagnation. Breathing into stagnation, anger, impatience, frustration helps to relieve them. The Liver also has to do with your vision for yourself. We may not have a vision, or feel that frustrated in achieving it, or feel perfectly content with the track we are on!

Movement, Diet, Breathing, Thinking Positive thoughts, spending time outside, are all small ways, we can improve our health.
What is your vision for yourself?
It's okay not to know. We can go day by day, the more we can stay in the present, the easier it is to be patient, breathe into the moment.

Write down all your goals; how you see yourself living life.
What can you do today, or not do, to create your goals/visions for yourself or allow them to happen. It may be something small.
Be kind to yourself and proud that you are creating what you visualize for your life, for you to be.

My online scheduler is easy to use, every week, deals are offered on there, so it's great to look. See the link below.
Online scheduling
This week, as of Monday April 15th, I'll moving my Arvada office from Suite 127 to 202, but will be staying in the same building in Arvada. Thanks for all of your flexibility and patience.

We will be having an open house Thursday May 21st from 3-7, invites to follow.
Acupuncture and Allergies
In Chinese Medicine, Allergies are caused for a variety of reasons.
Mostly it is seen as a weakness in the Immune System.
Acupuncture and Herbs can help greatly.

April Specials:

$15 off any treatment, if you find me on Yelp and write a review (hopefully a good one!). My business name on Yelp is Stefanie Rothert Licensed Acupuncturist.

4-Pack Acupuncture $200
4-Pack One Hour massage $ 260
As Always, Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time.
Wishing you the best in health and happiness,
Stefanie Rothert LAc. L.M.T.